1233 Grape Vodka - producent alkoholi Toruńskie Wódki Gatunkowe

The year 1233 is an important point in the historical chronology of Torun, when the city received its municipal rights. The combination of our city’s history and more than 130 years of tradition of our distillery led to the creation of two unique spirits based on the original recipe.

1233 Grape Vodka is a grape vodka, which is the historical liquor of the Torun distillery. The secret of its taste and aroma lies in the high-quality grape distillate.

Try different flavors!

Śliwowica Polska 63%

Śliwowica Polska 63%

Śliwowica Polska to aromatyczny trunek z wysokiej półki, który stworzyliśmy aby był wizytówką wódek śliwkowych nie tylko w naszym kraju. Destylat śliwkowy nadaje jej zniewalający i poruszający smak, a moc trunku przyjemnie...



The year 1233 is an important point in the historical chronology of Toruń – at that time it was granted city rights. The combination of the history of our city and more than 135 years of tradition of our plant resulted in two exceptional beverages based on the...